When you are in the business of servicing other companies, it pays to always keep your door open. One of the hardest things in my business of PR is when a client must end their contract. They feel awkward, I used to feel awkward, but today's economy is making many businesses re-evaluate their marketing needs. Some businesses - slash and burn. Some re-invest. And some come back to the roost. Take for example this little company, Sentry Solutions. When I began my company, the President, Mark Mrozek, asked me in on a couple of projects he had going. I thought we were a perfect fit - two little companies in New Hampshire working in the same markets for the military and shooting sports. But, alas, he had another marketing professional in his pocket so our relationship was limited. But here, years later, Mark calls and the next thing I know - Sentry Solutions is our new client. These are great products too, and I'm not just saying that. Whether you are a gun owner, a fisherman (or woman!) or just want to keep your tools from rusting away in your damp basement (oh! that's my basement!) Sentry Solution products are truly the best in their league. So, welcome again, Mark - let's get down to some good PR!