Our schedule for the next few days will be busy. Friday and Saturday we'll be participating in all three events. Each night there is a reception. Friday night features the Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence Awards Reception. Two of our clients, BLACKHAWK! and SIG SAUER, are nominated for several awards. BLACKHAWK! is nominated for Accessory of the Year, Hunting Product of the Year and Safety Product. SIG SAUER is also nominated for Accessory of the Year, as well as Rifle of the Year. Keep you fingers crossed for both of them! Saturday night wraps up the event with a Masters Awards Banquet.
It should be a very fun event and I'm excited to see how my team and I do. If you're attending, be sure to be on the lookout for us. We'll be wearing Laura Burgess Marketing branded T-shirts and ball caps. Check back here over the weekend for updates about the event and to find out how we fared. We'll also be posting updates through our twitter account throughout the weekend so be sure to follow us to keep up to date on our progress!