The BLACKHAWK! LE/Mil Writer Seminar was held October 26 - 30, 2009 at Command Center in Norfolk, Virginia. This blog is by Eric Burgess, Owner/Partner of Laura Burgess Marketing.
Having assisted in the BLACKHAWK! LE/MIL writer seminar, I can certainly attest to the value and interest of the event. Sixteen industry writers were treated to an outstandingly organized seminar consisting of info laden presentations and hands on shooting evaluations of BLACKHAWK! products. Attendees enjoyed SERPA holster familiarization at the range with Todd Jarrett. They were shown how the SERPA system is designed to work seamlessly with the mechanics of the draw, as universally taught by trainers. The position of your finger on the release occurs naturally, ending with the index finger along the side of the frame, as the draw is completed. Todd led the participants through a series of drills designed to showcase how natural drawing from the SERPA is as well as the outstanding retention capabilities of the SERPA line of holsters. The next day, writers were treated to range time with the Knoxx Stocks line of recoil reduction rifle and shotgun stocks. The reduction (up to 80%) of felt recoil that these stocks afford is really apparent when mounted to 12 GA slug guns or .300WIN rifles! The final day's shooting event was a choice of paintball or skeet. The clays included skeet and wobble trap, but the paintball participants took no prisoners. All sported little round bruises under their now multi-colored gear, but some caught a round to exposed parts of the body and added blood for realism. Very Halloweenish! A great time was had by all. We look forward to the Outdoor writer seminar in April 2010.