At Laura Burgess Marketing, we don't get out much. Usually you'll find us strapped to our PC's doing all that PR stuff that gets our esteemed clients all the media attention they truly deserve. Well, Tom Harm and Greg Reid of International Training, Inc. in Dilley, Texas told us to get off our butts and come see their digs just south of San Antonio. So, we left the cool autumn of New Hampshire and flew into big country.
International Training has been around awhile. They are not one of these fly-by-night training companies that seem to spring up out of nowhere touting all the latest firearms training methodology and spinning military and cop jargon as fast as a Metal Storm machine gun. ITI is the real deal. They've been training the elite of the elite military units for decades. The staff all come from law enforcement or military backgrounds and training is what they do best.

Let's get to the facilities. ITI is unique in that they not only train in firearms usage but driving on-road and off-road, in water, under duress, under attack, and in real-world-other-country urban scenarios. You can learn to ram your vehicle in order to clear a blockade (rush hour traffic is not considered a blockade), or reverse driving techniques, or evasive maneuvers as well as motorcade and convoy evasive techniques.
They've got over 280 acres with access to many hundreds more where you can train for 1000-yrd sniper shots, or some intimate CQB in their combat town. With five firearms ranges on the facility, you can literally shoot a variety of targets, a variety of distances, and a variety of scenarios.
Ok, that covers driving and firearms, but ITI has more going on. How about blowing things up? ITI has that too. Their explosives area has a large observation bunker for students during explosives training and is made of filled cinder block construction with wing walls and observation ports. At ITI all students leave with the same number of fingers and toes and what they came in with.

Their Team House is new and LBM has to tell you, it's nice! All the comforts of home - a fully applianced kitchen, TV room, two full bathrooms and two bunk rooms providing comfort down home on the range for up to 12 persons.
So, whether you are looking to learn to shoot, master driving in Boston, have some fun with the girls during their popular Women's Only Weekend programs, or increase that skill set before your next secret squirrel mission, this is the place to do it. The weather here is near perfect every day, the staff incredibly knowledgeable, and the facility is first class with eight classrooms and more planned. This would be a great place to host corporate events from security training, media events, or leadership building.